BICPHS: Spotting Health Concerns Early - Hypertension Identified

In a surprising turn of events, a 16-year-old student visited us complaining of severe headaches, occurring ever so often. During his vitals examination, we discovered something alarming – his blood pressure was markedly high for his age. Despite our initial shock, we took the necessary measures of making the student rest for a while, before rechecking on both arms, only to find no real improvement. Symptomatic pain management for headache and rest was advised, and the student was followed up for regular BP monitoring.

In subsequent visits, our suspicions were confirmed – he was dealing with hypertension, a condition often overlooked in young children and teenagers. Thanks to BICPHS’s vigilant monitoring and screening protocols, early diagnosis was made that led to prompt intervention and referral to our multi-disciplinary expert team.

Though he had been suffering silently for some time, our dedicated BICPHS team provided the support and care he needed. Today, with proper diagnosis and treatment, he's leading a happier, healthier life. This story underlines the importance of regular health checkups and the invaluable role BICPHS plays in safeguarding the health of students.