Nourishing Lives: BICPHS Responds to Nutritional Deficiencies

Once, when a student complained of weakness and extreme dizziness, upon examination, significantly low blood sugar levels were detected. Acting promptly, our general physician came to the rescue of the student, and managed to alleviate his symptoms and stabilize his condition.

Subsequently, he delved deeper into the origin of his symptoms. Through complete history and examination, our BICPH’s physician unraveled signs and symptoms consistent with nutritional deficiencies, including dryness on the scalp and scaliness of skin, amongst other things. It was also evident that poor eating habits and poor appetite were the underlying causes of his health issues and hypoglycaemic spells.

BICPHS’s multi-disciplinary team of physician and nutritionist, collaborated together to address the student’s health issues and provide him with a tailored nutritional guide and therapeutic modalities, taking into account his budget and low socioeconomic status.